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osteopath woonona

"To find health should be the object of the physician. Anyone can find disease."

- A. T. Still (founder of Osteopathic Medicine)


Osteopathy is a hands on therapy that addresses the whole body as a unit and looks at how all systems of the body interconnect and affect the function of one another.


Osteopaths are allied health professionals (registered with AHPRA) who pride themselves on maintaining a patient centred approach to health care, while focusing on the founder's guiding principles:

1. The body is a unit; the person is a unit of mind, body, spirit.

2. The body is capable of self regulation, self healing, and health maintenance. 

3. Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.

4. Rational treatment is based upon these principles.


Australian Osteopaths complete five years of university training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, radiography, clinical management and diagnosis, and osteopathic techniques. As well as yearly continued professional development hours to maintain registration. 


Osteopaths may be able to help with, but not limited to, the following conditions:

  • Headaches

  • TMJ / jaw pain

  • Neck and back pain

  • Breathing dysfunction disorders

  • Sciatic pain

  • Disc injuries and nerve compression

  • Pelvic and hip pain

  • Knee and foot problems

  • Pre / during and post pregnancy pains

  • Postural aches pains and advice

  • Arthritic pain management

  • Chronic pain management

  • Sporting injuries


At the beginning of the consultation Belinda will ask you a series of questions relating to your presenting complaint as well as gather information about your general wellbeing and previous medical history.
Next, depending on the region of focus, you may be asked to partially undress (sometimes down to your underwear so please keep this in mind when preparing for your appointment) to perform the physical examination. You will be asked to do various movements with your spine and limbs to assess for restrictions, certain orthopaedic tests may also be done in order to come up with an accurate diagnosis.
Results of the history and examination will be discussed, and together we will make a treatment plan.
If treatment is appropriate, Belinda will use a variety of hands on techniques, mobilisation and exercise prescription. Keeping you informed throughout, and asking for your feedback.
Depending on the condition a management plan for further treatment or referral to other health professionals will be discussed.

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